David's coworker sharpened a pair of sheep hand shears for me a few weeks ago, and David told him I would bake him something as payment. His request was red velvet cake. I'd never made (or eaten) red velvet cake before, so I went searching for recipes.
I check Bakerella's blog now and then, and I remembered she did a red velvet cake before. I decided to make cupcakes instead of a cake, since I wanted to be able to taste it and I didn't want to send in a cake with a piece missing. The cake part turned out really well. It was very moist and when we ate some after they cooled they had a nice crunchy top. The cream cheese icing was my favorite part. I didn't use the icing recipe on Bakerella, I used one out of my Good Housekeeping cook book. I believe it was 2 packages of cream cheese, 2 tablespoons of milk, a pinch of salt, and a pound of confectioner's sugar.
You want to know the funny part? David brought them to work on Monday and then found out his coworker had taken the whole week off! His other coworkers polished them off though. :)
I had to laugh when you said you didn't want to send the cake in with a piece missing!! LOL That was very nice of you! The cupcake looks delicious! Too bad the original recipient wasn't there this week but I'm sure his other coworkers are big fans of yours right now!
Oooo darn, you'll have to bake more when the coworker comes back, lol. I love red velvet cake & cream cheese icing... yum yum. It looks wonderful.
Boy that looks yummy!! You had red velvet cake as a child - especially on valentine's day! But I guarantee that it wasn't from scratch!! ;-) Yours looks much more delicious!! Sweet of you to show appreciation like you do! What a kind person you are, Katie! Love you, Momma
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