Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who needs pigs?

Who needs porcine pigs when you have these types of pigs? The girls (and ram) love food scraps. They have to share with the chickens though, so nobody feels left out!


Becky said...

Man! June doesn't hold back, does she? Gotta watch your fingers around Purl! Yikes! :) They love their snacks. The ram looks gentle and patient compared to the girls. Maybe it's because they're pregnant. :) I remember that feeling. I'd have fought for carbs like that too! LOL

Jen said...

Thats funny......

Deb Johnson, Quiltbeeme said...

How cute!! Goats are like roaches - they'll out live all of us!!! he he he oh, sorry June - she just can't take a joke!! I was thinking how tender and gentle the male is. I don't know why it's so satisfying to feed animals our scraps. I no longer feel badly about wasting food with our chickens around!! Love you and your herd, Momma

Kelly said...

We don't throw anything away either. Aren't they wonderful garbage disposals? Sweet babies.

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