Thursday, May 14, 2015

Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival 2015

A couple weeks ago my friend Lindsay and I went to the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival.  I love Sheep & Wool and look forward to it every year!  There's so much to see it's hard to fit it all into one day.

There are lots of sheep!

This is Steve, a Natural Colored ram.  Sweet guy!

And of course there is wool.  I bought a few things...but I wanted to buy a LOT more than a few things.  This is some Blue Faced Leicester (BFL) top, ready for spinning.

And some BFL locks, undyed.

And BFL dyed locks. (I think I need a few BFL ewes now)

The grayish wool is Masham (I had never heard of it before), and the blueish is Merino.

I got some assorted roving colors for adding to my fiber stash.

There was yarn everywhere.  I loved the walls of yarn from this vendor.

LOTS of people.

Lots of good food...I always get a gyro.

There was a vendor there with amazing needle felted animals!

Lindsay and me

I got a chance to meet an online friend from a fiber forum.  She lives in PA and traveled down to the festival.  She was so nice, and she came down with a group of really nice women.

I already can't wait until next year's festival!

1 comment:

Deb Johnson, Quiltbeeme said...

What a wonderful time you and Lindsay had!! I just love all that gorgeously dyed wool! I can't believe that gorgeous felted lion! That Gyro looked pretty good too! I sure do love Sheep and Wool and so glad you got to go enjoy yourself! Hey Lyns!! Love you Kate, Momma

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