
Monday, May 10, 2010

One Year Already?!

I've been blogging for over a year now! Well, one year and 3 days, to be exact. My very first post didn't have a date, but my second post did. I'll count that one as my actual start date. Here's my first blog post (with a date). We'd just settled on our first house a week before I started blogging. And our wedding was coming up in 2 weeks. Needless to say we were a tad stressed out.

But we got married.

And went on a wonderful honeymoon in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee (I want to go back!).

Then we got home from our honeymoon and shortly after that we adopted a puppy to keep Scooter company.

He's grown up since then.

We started a garden that went from this.... this in a matter of months!

Our yard started out like this.

And now it looks like this!

There have been a ton of changes over the past year. I'd say this past year was the first year of the rest of my (our) life. The past year was for major changes. This coming year will hopefully be less stressful and more relaxing!

I'm so glad I started blogging. It's so great to be able to look back and see what we were doing a year ago. Pictures are always great, but the text is really neat to have. I can't wait to see what my second year of blogging brings!!

Thank you all of my readers (what are there, 10 of you?) for finding my life interesting enough to read about! I've enjoyed sharing it with you!


  1. Wow, Kate! Look at all you've done in the past year! I LOVE that wedding picture of you guys. I love that you started this blog. It helps me feel like we don't have 8 hours between us. I never would have started my blog if you hadn't paved the way either :) Here's to many, many more years of blogging!!

  2. Wonderful post and I think you have a GREAT blog! I ♥ reading it :) I also ♥ looking back through my blogs, such wonderful memories!

  3. Happy Blog Anniversary Katie Boo! Congratulations and keep it up. You're doing a wonderful job. Love you.

  4. Good description of everything that is fun about blogging.

  5. It's been a great and fun year reading about all your exploits. You've accomplished so much this past year! I am very very proud of you hon. Love you, Momma

  6. Congratulations! What a great year. Isn't life wonderful?

  7. Happy Blog Anniversary! Doesn't it feel good to look back and see how far you've come?!

  8. Congratulations!! (must check how long I've been going!!!)

  9. Love the changes...especially that garden! Congrats on 1 year of blogging, Kim
