
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Turkey Tuesday

I spent some time with the turkeys today. I moved them into the brooder pen, and moved the chicks into the larger pen.

I just love turkeys.

They were very curious about the camera.

And look at this little punk!! I'm sorry I couldn't get a clearer picture. He's strutting already!!! So cute to see a pint-sized peeper strutting his stuff!


  1. Oh my goodness! Look at that little bundle of testosterone!! That's so cute! I love turkeys too. Remember our tom turkey that was in love with the bed sheet that we were using to collect leaves??

  2. they are so cute..........oh it reminds me of the good old days! How come you don't keep your newbies in the downstairs shower??? he he he I wish I were there to hold them! Love you, Momma What a big little man in the last photo!!

  3. Turkeys are so obnoxious, you have to love them! Your columbine photo is lovely!
