
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Then There Was One.

Ok, well, that's not entirely true. There's more than one, but there's only one big one. Rooster, that is. A few weeks ago I gave away four roosters, two big ones and the two silkies. One of the big ones was really being rude to the little roosters, and the other one wasn't very pretty. Yes, I judge my roosters on their beauty. Hey, I'm the one who has to look at them every day. Don't judge. I still have 4 bantam roosters: Cogburn, Mr. Frizzle, and the two d'uccles. (You can see one of the d'uccles in this post, 5th picture.)

So this is the only standard size rooster left. Well, that's a lie too. There's another Americana rooster, but he's only half grown. You can see him in the first picture of this post, in the background.

So this is the only full grown standard size rooster left. He's an Americana as well. He was supposed to be a "she" when I got him, but apparently the guy wasn't the best chick-sexer.

Last night I forgot to close the door to the coop, so this morning when I went out to feed, I saw the rooster out with a hen. It was dark out, and I think the rooster was telling her it was not time to wake up yet. He harrassed her and chased her right back into the coop! A few minutes later I fed them, and he came out to the feeder and called the girls out to eat. He's a good protector and provider. Not that all females need a male to protect them and provide for them, but it's kinda nice sometimes. ;-)

Oh yeah, I haven't named this rooster. Any ideas?

Darla is coming home today! I'll post more about her later.


  1. Nothing like a picture of roosting chicken butts to brighten up the morning! LOL

    Hmmm... names for the rooster. His dark feathers under his beak look like a beard. Gustavo? Bruno?
    Sorry, that's all I got this morning :)

  2. Ooh, you gave me an idea about the beard!! How about Mr. Rochester, like from Jane Eyre? He had mutton chops or something in the movies.

  3. Hmm....Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice also had mutton chops. And he was cuter.

  4. That rooster is soooo pretty and colorful! Sorry I'm no good at name........

  5. What do you think of Cogburn.. as in the Rooster Cogburn movie with John Wayne and Katharine Hepburn? Katharine Hepburn described in her autobiography, that one of the joys of working with John Wayne in that movie (he was Rooster Cogburn) was that he was so big and strong and rather liked hugging him - he was like a big oak tree. I thought of this because your rooster is so galant and protective. Love you, Momma

  6. I already have a Cogburn, Momma! He's the little white and black mottled Old English Game bantam rooster. He's a cutie!

  7. if I had read the post more carefully, I would have seen that!!! he he he I love keeping up with chicken's complex little lives!! Love you, Momma
