
Monday, April 18, 2016

Woolly Stuff

I've knitted a few fun things lately and wanted to show them. First up is Oink, by Susan B. Anderson.  It's the cutest little flying pig!  I love how it turned out.  

A while back I found Susan B. Anderson's reversible patterns.  I knit the little Egg-to-Turtle a few months ago.


This time I made the Mini-Reversible Duck to Bunny.  

They're such fun little patterns and take hardly any time at all to knit up!  You have to like fiddly things though, because some of the pieces can be a bit fiddly.

Remember the roving I dyed with Easter egg dye?  I spun it and it turned out really well, if I do say so myself.  I ended up spinning up the colored roving and some white roving, then plying them together.  Stripes!  I really enjoyed the dyeing part, and I can see a lot of that in my future!


  1. I love all your adorable knitted toys!!! That Easter Egg dye yarn is amazing!!!! I love it!
