
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Late June Garden

We went on vacation recently, and while I'm procrastinating posting pictures (so many pictures!), I wanted to document the garden's progress so far.  The weeds had grown a ton while we were gone, and I managed to weed a few aisles and the onion bed, but some beds still look like a hot mess. 

The potatoes in the cages have grown a ton, and I kept putting off "hilling" them, so now I am thinking it's maybe a bit too late for that.  I'll just see how they do as-is.  The potato beetles haven't hurt these plants nearly as much as the ones planted in the ground. 

I'll have to go back in the blog and see if I wrote it down, but I think this cage below has Norlands, which are supposed to be a more compact variety if I remember correctly.

Here is the onion bed after weeding.  Some of them look promising.  I've never had great luck with onions. 

The brassica bed.  Cabbage is doing fairly well, but the bugs are starting to put a hurting on the green (white?) cabbage.  The broccoli has been harvested, and I'm just waiting to pull the plants out.  I'm not sure what I'm waiting on, exactly.  Just haven't gotten around to it.

The row of green beans and yellow beans looks good.  There are little baby beans coming on strong!

I put in stakes for my crammed-in tomatoes.  I need to string them up as soon as I can find a roll of string. 

I ran out of stakes, so I used a cattle panel for some of the plants. I plan on trying to weave the plants into the panel and see how that works.  The cattle panel is in the back/middle of the picture below.

My poor potatoes are looking pretty rough!

Yikes...weeds and beetles makes for a poorly potato patch.

Here's my kale patch.  I just planted winter squash behind the wire trellis. Hopefully it'll have enough time to produce before frost this fall.

I planted lots of marigolds all over the garden, hoping they'd help repel some bugs.  They're pretty to look at, too.

The blueberries are producing! 

I've had horrible issues with squash vine borers killing my squash and zucchini these past few years, so this year I tried 2 things to get around that.  I planted late (after June 1), and I surrounded the plants with radishes. I've read radishes may help repel the vine borers. 

Oops, the squash seeds never germinated here, but the radishes are doing great!

That's about all for the June garden.  I've been harvesting peas, kale, and spinach (already petered out), broccoli, blueberries, and soon green beans, I hope! 


  1. Great garden!! The potatoes in the towers look great! I can't wait to see your harvest. Your kale and blueberries look great! You're going to be rolling in tomatoes before to much longer! :) Great job!

  2. Good job with a very big garden! I have noticed that your soil is a sandy loam and I know that takes a lot of work to keep producing. I admire your hard work Katie and you've got a lot of wonderful things growing hon! I can't wait to see the output of those potato towers!! Love, Momma
