
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Grazin' On...

The sheep and goats are on their second rotation of grazing in their main pasture this spring.  I've been rotating them heavily all around the property, and mainly saving their main pasture for week day grazing.  It's easy for me to keep an eye on them grazing in temporary fencing out in the yard during the weekends, and it's nice to have the security of the main pasture with permanent fencing when I'm at work.  The grass is still holding up very well, and we're due to get some rain tonight so hopefully it'll keep going strong for a while.  Usually we get a drought in late summer, so I'm preparing for that.  You can see they grazed the paddock to the left already, and this picture was when I moved them to a fresh piece.

June decided to go for the good stuff up high, and everyone came over to steal some leaves while she held down the branch.

Mulberry leaves must be tasty.

Hi Nessa!

Hi Barley!


  1. They have to be so happy to be grazing on such lush grass! Look at how much they eat! There's a big difference in where they just were to where you moved them! Cute close up pics of the girls too :)

  2. I LOVE that photo of Barley!!! How cute! Your pastures look really good Katie! Good managing! Love that June girl for resourcefulness! She is a leader for sure! Nessa looks great also! Love you, Momma
