
Monday, April 16, 2012

The Three Stooges

Soon it will just be the 1 Stooge, since the 2 goat kids are supposed to be leaving on Wednesday to go to their new home in Virginia. 

Until then, the three are enjoying their time together.  I let them out just about every day so they can graze, and every day I cut grass clippings to put in their pen.  They all LOVE to graze or get treats of grass. 

It's hard to believe the kids are 2 months old already!   And harder still to believe how quickly the pig has grown.  Here's a post from when the kids were just 2 days old.

I'll be getting another young pig soon, hopefully.  After seeing how smart the pig is, and how much she loves the goats, I know I can't expect her to be happy by herself, even within sight of the other animals, and with daily visits from us. 

And I tell you one thing, this pig is STRONG.  Her center of gravity is so low, that if she wants to get by me, she doesn't have to try very hard.  It's hard to block her with my ankles when she can just put her snout through them and push.  I could make a pig board (a solid board used to move them, which works well since it blocks their vision and gives the impression of a dead end), but I'd rather not have to carry one around. We're still working on manners, and I'd like for her to stay away from the gate when it's feeding time.  That's going to be tricky I think, but I know I better teach her now instead of trying to fight with her when she's 250 lbs.  Plus, add another pig into the mix and it's going to be even more trouble.   She is getting pretty good at sitting for her food though!  I'll have to take a video soon. 


  1. Too cute! What kind of breed of pig is she?

  2. She's a mutt pig! She's got some Duroc, and who knows what else!

  3. She is so pretty (if pigs can be pretty). I'm sure she'll like a buddy and who wouldn't want more bacon!! :) I'd LOVE to see her sit for her food! You can teach any animal to do anything! :)

  4. All 3 are so cute. Thats pretty cool your teachin her some manners.

  5. The are all three so sweet! I wish your kids were coming to MY farm! I am this close to succumbing to a couple of goats.

  6. They have really grown! I know it will be easier once you sell your bucks. Your PigPig is really filling out! She looks great! She is an aggressive girl and very single minded but she'll taste just as good! I can't wait for her to 'sit'!! Love, Momma
