
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Late Easter Post

I'm so late posting this, but wanted to share our Easter egg dying. It's always fun to create different color patterns and experiment with different colors.

For some reason this year, some of the colors were really vibrant (like the bright blue and green) but the rest were sort of dull.  I'm not sure what that was about, but it was hard to get a bright pink or red unless you left them in a really long time. 

Here are some of Kylee's eggs below. 

We waited until just before dark to do the hunt, because I told the kids were were going to do a hunt in the dark.  They kept asking how we were going to do it, but I told them it was a surprise.   It started to sprinkle right when we were ready to do our regular hunt, and I was afraid we were going to get rained out, but luckily the rain held off. 

It was pretty chilly, so the kids had to wear their heavy coats.  We don't really do the whole dress-up for Easter thing, especially since we did the hunt a few days before Easter (since the kids were at their Mom's house that day).

After the regular hunt, we had the kids go inside so we could get ready for the in-the-dark hunt.  I saw a really neat idea on Pinterest to put glow sticks in the eggs, and I thought it was be so cool to try it.   It was very cool!

It took a while to bend the glow bracelets so they'd fit in the eggs, and we had to tape the eggs shut, but they looked so neat!  It was hard to get a picture of just how pretty they were.

When we put them on the ground, we could see them glowing, and the ones in the branches of bushes looked like they were hovering!

It was really neat, and the kids had a lot of fun!


  1. I love this idea!! Very creative, and a unique way to make your egg hunt different than any other ones they would do!

  2. I love this idea!! Very creative, and a unique way to make your egg hunt different than any other ones they would do!

  3. How cool! Those glow eggs are so neat! I'll have to do this with the kids next Easter. Looks like they had a great time. Their dyed eggs are pretty. :)
