Lindsay brought them in a utility van that is perfect for hauling a few animals! It's got a nice rubber floor mat so it's easily cleaned out.
We didn't quite realize how far away the sale was-about 4 hours from my house. The drive was scenic-through the hills of PA. We drove through Lancaster which is always pretty.
We finally got there in time for the sale, but there weren't many people there. Turns out a few other people were running late. The fairgrounds was pretty, with hills surrounding it.
There were only about 26 animals at the sale. That's a big difference from 60+ last year. Unfortunately, there weren't as many people there as last year either. There was only a handful of buyers. There were a lot of no-sale sheep. The sale sets minimums for the sheep, and many people just didn't want to pay those prices.
Here's the Katahdin/Dorper ewe lamb. She sold for $200 (which was the minimum for her).
This is the purebred Katahdin ewe lamb. A no-sale.
And Calvin. Also a no-sale.
Unfortunately it was just a bad day for the sale. I'm not sure if the economy has to do with the lack of interest, or maybe the rainy weather.
I did happen to find something interesting while I was there. A patch of mushrooms had grown up in part of the livestock barn. I thought they were weird and pretty at the same time.
So we loaded the two remaining sheep and headed home. I wonder what drivers behind us thought...
They settled down for the ride home. You know, I really am not a big fan of Pennsylvania roads. Windy, hilly, and terribly graded. There was standing water everywhere, water gushing across the road. It made for a slightly stressful trip driving back.
But we made it safely.
Now, does anyone want to buy a ram or a ewe lamb?
I'm sorry it was such a disappointment. That's a very long way to drive to have such a sad showing. Neat mushrooms! That lamb looks so cute peeking out of the van window :)
I agree with you on the PA roads. I can always tell when we've crossed into PA because the roads are awful!
I'm with Becky, that really stinks that it was a disappointment! I love the shot of the sheep looking out the back window. I bet passing kids loved seeing that! IF nothing else, I'm sure you made someone smile that day with a sheep in your back window! ;)
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