The chicken coop is lit up in the mornings now. I have been getting only an egg every other day, and I've got 21 hens that should be laying. I am trying a coop light to see if I can trick them into thinking the days are longer. It's on a timer and comes on at 4 AM and goes off at 7 AM. Hopefuly it works.
Sorry for the blurry picture, but the full moon was so pretty this morning.
After I get the animals fed, I head off to work. I love the drive to work. It's about 18 miles from home to work, and I don't have a single stoplight or stop sign on my way to the office. The route is a rural one past beautiful flat farm land.
I love the drive to work in the winter because the sky is just so pretty, all shades of pinks and purples and blues. This is one of the reasons I love winter so much.