
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Whole Decade!

This sweet and funny girl is 10 years old! Happy birthday, Kylee!  She got a bike as an early birthday gift before we went camping, and I just finished knitting her a mermaid tail blanket.  She loves mermaids, and I thought she might want her own mermaid tail.  She can put her legs in it.  It may be a bit warm for it now, but this winter it'll be super cozy!


  1. Happy Birthday Kylee! Love the tail. ;)

  2. Happy Birthday, sweet Kylee! I hope you had a great birthday! I love the mermaid tail! :) Great job, Katie!

  3. Happy Birthday Kylee!!! I love your cutie pie mermaid tail!! Your Momma Katie sure loves you and is so talented to be able to make that for you! You are a sweetie pie hon! My Katie is too!! Love you, Nana (Momma)
