
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Grazing Time

The sheep are finally able to get out and graze around the yard now that the grass is growing well.  I put a halter on Darla so I can lead her out.  The sheep normally just follow me (and my grain bucket) to their new fenced area, but Darla is the leader and sometimes she decides she'd rather find her own grazing spot.  After several times of her leading the sheep in the wrong direction, I've started putting a halter on her so I can keep her with me.  Works like a charm!

The lambs found the wagon (hooked to the garden tractor) to be a great play thing!  They had a blast playing in it. They had a fun time with their lamby shenanigans, enjoying the nice evening.


  1. That is the cutest blog about lambs I've ever seen! I love the bouncy little run! They are growing so well and it's nice to see so many healthy spring lambs Katie! I love how the ewes look without that heavy winter fleece. They look more relaxed and happy. Great job with your 'babies' hon. Love you, Momma

  2. Man, are those some happy lambs or what? SO cute!!! Everyone looks happy and healthy!
