
Friday, July 18, 2014

New Babies

Our first chicks of the year hatched out on Wednesday the 16th.  Momma hen had 10 eggs, and 6 chicks hatched.  Usually we have several hens go broody each spring, but this girl has been the only one to go broody this year. It's a nice change from having a broody hen in all of the nest boxes and having to fight them for eggs.  I wonder what my chances are that all 6 babies are pullets?  Probably slim to none...


  1. Awww! So cute! Way to go, Mommy Hen! :) I'll cross my fingers for lots of girl chicks :)

  2. OMG!!! What a good job she did setting her nest! They are so darned cute! Great job with your 'fertile farm' Kate!!
