
Sunday, April 13, 2014

It's Finally Spring!

We had perfect weather this weekend, so we spent a lot of time outside.  Devin got a mini bike for his birthday (he turned 11 in March!), and it has been getting a lot of use lately!

They've made courses around the yard, and they time each other to see who is fastest. The bike is pretty weak, so even downhill it doesn't go too fast. 

David loves to show off his fancy trick riding. One of the kids' favorite things to do is chase David around while he rides the bike around the yard. 

I finally got out in the garden this weekend.  I got my onion sets planted (white, yellow, red, and Stuttgarter), along with cabbage and broccoli. 

Devin mentioned wanting to save a peach pit so he could grow a peach tree.  I suggested it might be much faster to just buy a peach we went to Lowe's and he picked out his peach tree.  Now it's waiting to be planted.

Kylee wanted to buy an apple tree, but since the apples needed a second variety for pollenation (and we haven't dedicated a space to a small orchard yet), she bought 2 blueberry bushes.  She helped plant and water them, and I gave both her and Devin a book where they can read about what peaches and blueberries need to grow. 

She and Devin also picked out some herbs they wanted to grow. Kylee loved the lemon balm, and Devin loved the mint. 

I know I'll sleep well tonight after all the work we've done this weekend!


  1. Looks like everyone is loving the mini-bike! :) I love how involved the kids want to be with the garden! How great that they have their own plants/trees to take care of!! Happy Spring! :)

  2. What a wonderful time in the garden with the entire family! How lucky are your kids to have you teaching them the joy of gardening! Loved the photo of Wildman David on the motorbike!! Love and hugs, Momma
