
Thursday, February 13, 2014


We've got lambs!  Bean had triplet ram lambs tonight around 8pm.  Two little natural colored (black) ones, and one looks like a purebred Southdown.  Isn't it funny how genetics work out?  These lambs are 3/4 Southdown and 1/4 Romney. 

They're all doing well so far and Bean is being a really great mom so far. 

I moved Darla and Bean into the barn yesterday afternoon because we were expecting snow, and it's easier moving them before the lamb rather than after, and I figured those two were close to lambing.  It's also easier for me to monitor them with my video baby monitor from my bed than it is to go out into the pasture and check them!

 So cute!  I'm thrilled to have triplets. This is the first time I have had triplets born here!

And while I was out in the barn tonight, I caught Rocky the rabbit playing king of the mountain on the hay pile!  That rabbit cracks me up!


  1. I am so tickled that my little Monkey Face had TRIPLETS!! Wow! Looks like she'll be a good Ewe for productivity!!! They are all so cute! I am so glad you moved them inside and were checking them after she was acting a little strangely! What a great new Momma! Funny how Darla didn't want the lambies to come into her pen!! Congrats and I can't wait to hear about the next babies to be born!! Love you, Momma Ps- your barn and pens look great!! Funny bunny!!

  2. Congratulations!!!!! Triplets!! How exciting!!! You thought she looked awfully big. Way to go Bean and Katie! Great barn pens (it sounds weird to say "jugs" LOL).
    That bunny cracks me up! Rocky seems to have plenty of personality.
