
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Today is Christmas Eve! We're getting ready to go to David's granddad's house for the annual Christmas Eve get together.  David is making mashed potatoes, and made sourdough rolls and eggnog, plus lots of cookies.  There's going to be lots of other good food there too.  I can't wait!

We finally got some Christmas lights on the house!

While I was putting lights on the porch, I saw two little Carolina Wrens snuggled together.  They're there every night.  I guess it makes a nice little bed for them. 
There's not a whole lot else to say today!  Merry Christmas!!


  1. Beautiful, fun lights! Great job! Have a great time with David's family. Merry Christmas and can't wait to see you in a few days!!!

  2. Wonderful Christmas hon!! Thanks for the photos and we can't wait to see you!! Love you, Momma
