
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fair Wrap-Up

I did pretty well before the fair and after the first day or so at the fair, but I haven't blogged about the rest of the fair yet.  Here's a wrap up of the last 3-4 days of the fair. 

The sheep show was on Thursday.  I took Dixie (the ewe lamb), and the ram. 

They both got first place in their classes.  Did I mention they were the only Southdown sheep there, which means they were the only ones in their classes?  Oh well, a first is a first!

The 4-H rabbit show was at the same time as the sheep show, so I missed Devin's pen of 3 meat rabbits getting judged, but they got first place and champion! They all weighed exactly the same weight, which is what you want.  

His rabbits enjoyed a nice snooze after the commotion of the show.  
David was great at helping the kids get the rabbits' pens cleaned and refreshing the water and feed.
Random picture while we were waiting for shows.  
Kylee waits for her rabbit's class in the rabbit show...
And after the show....she had fun!
Later that night Kylee made a pillow in the Home Arts building.  A group called the Homemakers Guild volunteered to help kids sew pillows. Everything was provided.
Devin went back the next night and made one too!
Devin did the lawn and garden tractor pull.

Then the next night Devin was part of the livestock auction, where he sold his pen of 3 meat rabbits.  
 He made a pretty nice profit at the auction, and was really excited!
Finally the kids were able to ride a ride.  Rides are crazy expensive (like $5 per kid per ride) so we explained there was much more to the fair than the rides, and there were better ways to spend our money. Like funnel cake.  

Our fair entries did well.  David got a ribbon for one of his carved wooden spoons!  His first entry!  And there were some really pretty entries, like this quilt below.  I did not make this quilt!  It got a champion ribbon. 

The Department of Natural Resources had their Scales & Tails program there.  They had some great birds!
All of the birds had been rehabbed and are unable to return to the wild.  Check out these cute little owls!
And there was a petting (or viewing) zoo.  Not your typical petting zoo animals...
The kids got to hear the zebra bray.  Is it called a bray?  I'm not sure, but that's what I'm calling it. 
 Ok, I think I'm finally done with pictures.  Whew.  It was a long week, but a fun one! I'm sure next year's fair will be here before we know it.  One more year until cotton candy and funnel cake!  


  1. Your sheep are gorgeous!!! They definitely earned those 1st place ribbons! The kids look so cute in their 4-H clothes! Your pictures made me really miss the fair. I can't wait to start participating in our fair. Great job to everyone!! :0)

  2. What a wonderful week you all had and I am so tickled that everyone, including David got involved! I love how you dressed the kids so professionally and braided Kylee's hair!! Your animals looked splendid hon and you outdid yourself! Yay for Devin and his rabbits! I couldn't be prouder of you for following tradition and giving your kids the wonderful experiences you had! Way to go Katie!!! XXX000 Love, Momma

  3. What fun! Good job everyone.
