
Friday, January 4, 2013

This Just In!

I just got my email from Chuck at Biotracking

OpenLow RecheckCutoffHigh RecheckPregnant
OD < 0.135OD = 0.135 to 0.150.15OD = 0.15 to 0.21OD > 0.21

Tube NumberAnimal IDResponse in Test, ODPSPB RangeDays Post Breeding

Both Ida and June are pregnant!  I was 99% sure June was bred, and about 70% sure Ida was bred.  Ida is a first freshener (which means she'll be having her first kids), so she's hiding it well!  So that means goat babies in a little over a month!

This is an old picture...the girls aren't in the barn, they're in their pasture, and they're much hairier now.  I'll get update pics soon.  Tomorrow maybe.


  1. My first doe is due to kid on the 30th. Goat babies are the best!

  2. Wahoo!!!! That's awesome!!! I can't wait to see pictures of their babies! I'll cross my fingers for doe kids. :)

  3. Yay for goat babies!!!!!!!!!!!!! You do breed good goat babies!!! Love you, Momma well- I guess June and Ida had something to do with it!

  4. OHHH, love your sky photos.............just amazing!! Love you, Momma

  5. Yay....... My Star is due in Feb. and my Tulip is due in March :)
