
Sunday, March 4, 2012


The chickens love to ride on the sheep. I'm not sure why...maybe their toes get cold and the wool warms them? :-) I caught this picture of the hens on Bean before the chickens decided to hop down. And I'm not exactly sure what Barley is doing on the left..sticking out her thumb.

And Darla's boys are doing really well. They're filling out and getting to the really cute stage.

This video is cute...I love watching baby animals hopping all around!


  1. Absolutely great pictures! I have never seen a chicken ride a sheep!

  2. Sheep are so fluffy & Cute... I really think I need one or 2 on my farm, lol.

  3. Barley is so cute with those chickens on her! (or is it Bean.. oops, I forget now) I loved watching that lamb hop around! They're growing so fast! :)
