
Thursday, February 23, 2012

An Udder Ewe

"Little" Miss Darla is getting rounder by the minute and should be lambing sometime next week. I went ahead and trimmed her hooves and crutched her (sheared the wool around her hind end) to get ready for lambing.

Crutching isn't absolutely necessary, but it sure helps. It helps me by seeing her udder and vulva better so I can predict lambing time, it helps keep things back there clean (especially if for some reason I had to go in and pull a lamb- don't want to be dragging dirty wool into the area), and it helps the lamb find the teats better. Lambs are not the brightest sometimes, and as a fellow sheep person once said, "A lamb will happily suck on a wool tag and starve to death." So, I go ahead and crutch.

Hopefully she'll go soon. I absolutely cannot wait to see what she has. I wished for doe kids from June and got 2 bucks. so this time I'm not wishing anything and certainly not predicting what she'll have! I will say I'm just thrilled they'll be purebred Southdowns!


  1. Look at that round belly! I can't wait to see her lambs. I'm sure the lambs will appreciate the work you did to trim her udder. Fingers crossed for girls!!

  2. Can't wait to see what she has.

  3. I am so tickled that I will be there for the lambing!! I can't wait to see those cuties out into the world! I get to feed the Piggy too - I better bring gloves with her sharp teeth!!! I can't wait! Love, Momma
