Wednesday, February 22, 2012


When I first got the piglet (still haven't settled on a name), she hated me. Hated the bottle, hated anything I tried to feed her. A friend told me to mix some milk with her feed, so I did that and she ate! I was happy.

Then along came the goat kids. Pretty darn quickly, the pig figured out they were getting bottles, which must have meant she needed to eat too. She was ok with eating from her pan for a day or two...she'd run over and eat while the goats were getting their bottles.

After a day or so she decided that if the goats were getting bottles she MUST also have a bottle. Pans of feed are for dummies, or so she said. So now she is the first one in line for her bottle, but she is the last one to get one since she can't wait patiently. In fact, she launches herself at me. I'm trying to teach her that rude piggies don't get milk.

Soon she'll have to come off the bottle, I know. But it's working for now.


Laura S Reading said...

She does sound like she has the brains. Bottle feeding is a nice bonding exercise. Because she is so smart she may be difficult to train but once she understands something it will stick for life.
Just be sure not to let her get away with too much because she is so stinking cute.

Unknown said...

Good gosh she is so dang cute! I could never raise piglets because they'd never leave the farm!

Unknown said...

Good gosh she is so dang cute! I could never raise piglets because they'd never leave the farm!

Becky said...

She is so cute, Katie!! What a smart girl! She wants whatever her "brothers" are getting. :)

Jen said...

Cute post. Pigs are so very smart. When it comes to food around my farm, watch out Porkchop is 1st, she makes sure of that! Shes nipped at my legs when I'm not fast enough for her!

Deb Johnson, Quiltbeeme said...

She is a precious piggy! But I bet her stubborness along with her smarts will eventually let you know that it's time for the Butcher! Plus did you ever notice how they aren't as cute when they are 200 lbs?? And the 'odor porcine' is the most offensive in the barnyard! But for now, she is a cutie pie to the extreme!! Love you, Momma

Meredith Amonson said...

I respectfully disagree deb, I have 3 pigs who smell less than the chickens and rarely ever go to the bathroom in their stall. They love to root and get muddy but they hate being around their dung and urine and generally use one portion of the pen for those purposes.

I think mine have gotten cuter with age, especially learning their distinct personalities. Each are so unique and different. They can get nippy because they're so curious and explore with their nose and mouths but I've set firm boundaries and they'll snuggle like dogs even weighing more than I do.

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