
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Heck With the Malls

Yesterday I participated in a craft show called Heck With the Malls, a show held by the local arts council. They do a good job trying to get people to shop locally for Christmas gifts instead of going to the big box stores.

It was a pretty steady day and I think most of us vendors did fairly well. It was a lot of fun talking to people about the stuff I made. It was also fun seeing their reactions when I told them the soap came from milk from my own goat. People seemed pretty surprised at that!

I think my favorite customers of the day were the two little girls who were about 11 years old or so. They came to my table about 5 times to look at the little felted acorns, and I heard them naming each person they'd buy an acorn for. They came back at the end of the show with enough money in hand to buy 5 of the remaining 9 acorns. I made those acorns several years ago, and each craft show I'd bring them along and sell a few. I told the girls they could have all of the remaining acorns, and one said, "Are you sure?!" They seemed tickled pink when I said I was sure. I figured any girls dedicated enough to wool acorns to visit them 5 times during the show deserved all of them!


  1. Your table looks fantastic! Look at all of the wonderful things you've made! Amazing! It's no wonder your items sold so well. I bet those girls were so happy! Is that David hiding behind the display? :) Congratulations on a great craft show!

  2. Love the name of the craft show... cute story about the girls :)

  3. That's great! It is so nice to hear people shopping local.

  4. Yes Becky, that's David. I told him he either had to smile or hide, so he hid. :-)

  5. What a great set up you have - a homier and warmer version of what Martha Stewart would have!! Your soaps are gorgeous! I dearly love your story of the acorns. I am so happy that David was there and I am tickled you did so well! One day I will be there with you! Love you, Momma
