
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wanda Does It Again

Wanda is my perpetually broody hen. Her favorite thing to do in life is hatch babies. Every day for months I'd have to move her off the eggs to collect them, hoping she'd get the hint and stop trying to set eggs. Finally I gave up. It's easier to indulge her than it is to break her of it. Three weeks ago I gave her 10 eggs, and 9 ended up hatching yesterday!

Today when I went out to the coop, this is what I found. Wanda was sitting on the ground being broody.

But then I saw the nestbox.....she'd forgotten one important thing. Her chicks! She didn't quite figure out how to get them down.

So I decided to move her and her chicks to the barn for some privacy. In a week or so I'll move them back out to the main coop.


  1. She looks like a good mother. I love to see chicks with a hen.


  2. Wanda needs her own reality show like the Duggars! ;) She lives to hatch, doesn't she? Oops, can't leave your babies up high, Wanda! LOL Cute babies!! :)

  3. Sweet Chickies... looks like they are happy in the barn :)

  4. Yay! So far Mani hatched out one chick yesterday...hoping for more soon!

  5. I improvise, too... but a frisbee is our favorite chick-feeder!

  6. How darned cute is she!!! Not the brightest bulb in the strand but tenacious!! So cute Katie!!
