
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Halter Training Begins

I've got less than a month until the county fair and these girls have hardly ever even worn a halter. They've got to be halter broke and trained to stand still ASAP! Nothing like waiting until the last minute! I think Devin and Kylee will definitely be helping me out with this one, especially since one or both of them will be showing!

And the girls now have names! The little one (closest) is Bean (like Coffee Bean), and the big one is Barley!


  1. LOL If anyone can halter train sheepies you can. I like their names too. Good luck KK.

  2. Those ewes are so cute. I love their names. Bean has the cutest face! Hopefully they won't fight you too much with the halters.

  3. I sure do love those little gals! Bean will always be Monkey Face to me though! Love, Momma
