
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This Weekend!!

The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival is this weekend, May 7th and 8th. My sister and mom are coming up for a visit, and we're going to have a blast at the festival. I'm so excited! The festival is a big deal and people from all over attend. I need to do some shopping there. I desperately need some new roving for felting, some clipper blade coolant (I need to shear soon!), and possibly some yarn or other cute sheep paraphanalia.

If you're in need of something to do this weekend, come to the festival!

Oh, and in my last post I mentioned a broody hen died. It wasn't Wanda, thank goodness, it was an Easter Egger hen that was a first time broody momma. I guess she didn't eat and drink enough while on the nest.


  1. I wish I was near. I would love to go to the festival. We are going to goat school this weekend. Aren't we just a bunch of high brow society types. LOL

  2. WOOOHOOO!!!! I can't wait! It'll be my first time at the S&W and I'm so excited! I'm also excited to meet your new farm babies and to spend time with you guys!!!

    I'm glad it wasn't Wanda that died. Those girls need to remember to eat and sit on nests at the same time. I had no trouble remembering to eat when I was pregnant! LOL Though I wasn't sitting on a nest all day.

  3. My husband and I will be going, too. I haven't been in years. Excited to be going again.

    Sorry about your hen.

  4. It was a blast Katie!!! Thanks for being such a lovely hostess! I sure do love that little bitty lamb! Your farm is just lovely! Love you, Momma
