
Tuesday, March 15, 2011


*Heads up, there are pictures of a goat kidding. If you don't want to see the pictures, please don't read further!

When I fed the animals this afternoon, I noticed June's udder had definitely bagged up more than yesterday. I figured the kids would be born either tonight or tomorrow. (her udder looks whitish in the picture because I put powder on it to help keep her from chafing)

I went back out around 7pm to put June in the barn since it was supposed to rain tonight. I noticed she had bagged up even more and she had a considerable amount of discharge. That meant kids soon!

I stayed out in the barn with her and she started having contractions.

After a while she had the first amniotic bubble.

Then there were hooves...

Then a big buck kid!

Then more hooves (and a nose and tongue)...

And then a doe kid!

Aren't they great?

I had the easiest time picking out names for them. Since today is the Ides of March, I went with that theme. The doe kid is Ides of March (Ida) and the buck kid is Et Tu Brute (Brutus).

I have a really cute video to post tomorrow, but right now it's bedtime for me!


  1. First, I love the new banner pic!

    Way to go, June!! I'm glad you were able to be there with her while she had them. I know she appreciated the ice cream sandwich! ;) How did she handle having them taken away this time? I love their names! They are so cute!! What did Buford think of them?

  2. CONGRATULATIONS! Well done everyone!

  3. She handled it great Becky. I took them away almost right after she had them, and she spent the time cleaning the mess up on the straw instead of licking them. She also called for me quite a bit. :-)

    Buford liked them, but not as much as Elmer does!

  4. How very wonderful Katie!!! Can you use the new doe to be your breeding goat? I am so happy you have two such beautiful kiddies!! They are fantastic Katie!! I love that you gave June an ice cream sandwich!! Love you muches, Momma

  5. Way to go June and congratulations Katie! Job well done by both of you. Isn't the whole thing simply amazing!

  6. How exciting. Very cute kids and great names. Glad June is done and all is well.

  7. So glad you showed all of the process! Was the head first doe hard for her to get out?

    Love the names!

  8. OOooo Katie great pictures! Congratulations, they are lil cuties :)

  9. Kim, both kids had a normal presentation, with feet first, followed by the head. The girl was easy for her (second born). I had to help pull the buck just a little. He was a big boy. :-)

  10. Congrats on the babies! I'm waiting impatiently for my girls as usual. Great photos.

  11. Congrats on the new additions! We are expecting our first group this year! Exciting and scary all at the same time.

  12. Congratulations on the kids! They certainly are a nice looking pair. Looks like she did a great job!

  13. That is so cool. Birth is amazing to me with all animals and humans ;) They are precious for sure and you couldn’t have chosen more perfect names Katie :) Love it! Thanks for sharing with FFF too!
