
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Light Up the Night

David and I got headlamps for Christmas and I think it's one of my favorite gifts. It is so nice to be able to go outside after dark (or before sunrise) and be able to see what you're doing without having to hold a flashlight! Having your hands free means you can do chores much easier.

This one I have has an option for the bright yellow light or a soft red light. If you don't have one of these, go get one!


  1. Yay for light! It must be nice to be able to see without fumbling with a flashlight. I would go out and get myself one but I don't have any animals to go out and check on at night. :( One day!

  2. yay! baby look how cute you are! whooot! now.. about those tamales?? give buford hugs from his Auntie OFG

  3. Mark loves his! He has several - you know how he likes his stash of electronics and tools. I can only imagine how much easier it makes your work!! Good idea! Love you, Momma

  4. Love my headlamp! Great for counting chickens after dark! =)
