
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lots of Veggies

A few days ago a tractor trailer carrying produce rolled sideways in the median strip of the highway near here. David's coworkers were on the scene to shut down the road. The produce that had spilled out of the trailer had to be disposed of, and much of it was loaded in dumpsters. Luckily for us, some of the guys loaded up some crates and took them back to work! David brought home a crate of green beans, lettuce, beets, and a box of papayas!!

The lettuce was fairly tough and bitter, so it went as treats for the sheep and June. They loved it. I've never had papayas before, but I dried one and used one for a smoothie (which was delicious!). I have quite a few more to do something with soon. I blanched and froze some beet greens yesterday. We also roasted some beets. I'm not crazy about beets....because they taste like dirt....but I may keep trying them different ways to see if I can use them all up.

I was so excited about the green beans since my beans in the garden didn't exactly produce a bumper crop this year. Yesterday (Christmas day) David and I worked together to blanch and freeze most of the beans. We got 9 good size bags in the freezer, plus we gave some away to friends and family.

But someone else loved the green beans too...

Buford figured out on his own that they were pretty darn tasty!

In fact, I finally had to shut the lid to the crate because he was eating so many!!


  1. Is Buford cute or what?! He loves his produce, doesn't he? :) That is so great about the produce!! Yay!

  2. Woohoooo that was nice for you all, lol. Cute pic of Buford stealin green beans!

  3. Your dog is funny!
    Beets--our favorite way is to roast them whole . They get very sweet. Then, peel and slice into salads (awesome with greens, chevre and toasted pecans) or toss with balsamic vinegar and coarsely ground pepper. I LOVE beets this way!

  4. I thought Buford was Scooter at first until I noticed he still has his manhood!! How cute! What a wonderful early Xmas gift!! Love, Momma

  5. Mom, he won't have his manhood for long! He's going in this (coming) month to get snipped! LOL
