
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Free Decorations

One of my favorite decorations around the holidays is greenery. Wreaths, swags, and roping are so pretty but can be fairly pricey. I decided to make my own greenery this year. I went "shopping" in the yard and found some holly, cedar, and yew. Unfortunately we don't have any pines, so I stopped at the Christmas tree lot down the street from my work. They said I could take as many trimmed branches as I wanted!

I used a few tools we already had-floral wire, pruning shears, and wire cutters. I made a wreath (the one on Purl in my banner picture), but I didn't have any wreath forms and it was a pain in the butt more work than I wanted to do, so I decided to just make swags.

I made 3 plain holly swags for the garage windows.

Then I made three large swags for the barn door and the front porch posts. I also made 2 smaller swags for the front and side doors. I found some red bows I bought last year for next to nothing (after Christmas sales!) and attached them.

I think they look nice.

And they used stuff we already had on hand, so they were free!


  1. Those look great! My husband and I also took some free trimmings from the Christmas tree farm we got our tree at....but we have been so busy, they are still just sticking out of a 'Merry Crhistmas' sign hanging on the barn door rather than done up with a bow in a swag as we intended ;)

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Very Nice & Pretty... Love Free Nature Decorations!

  3. Looks like you paid a bunch for them!

  4. Wonderful job Katie! I love your creativity and you can't beat the price!! Love, Momma
