
Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Favorite Time of Year

I love this time of year. Fall! It has been beautiful around here the past few days. The weather is cooler and the sun is shining. I only worked a half day yesterday, and I went to get a load of hay then came home and cleaned animal pens. I got a lot done, the chicken coop is cleaned out, the area under the sheep/goat hay feeder is clean, and the barn is partially cleaned.

I also spent some time with the animals. June was showing off for me.

Ta-Da! I almost felt like she was saying, "Look at this, Mom!" I can remember us kids saying that a lot to my parents...especially when we were swimming and wanted to show off our "tricks."

The sheep were contently grazing.

Theo, almost overnight, has transformed into a real buck. He's no longer just a kid. He's now grown up. He's got that "mane" of hair now and his tail is always curled over his back.

He and June love the camera.

And my ram lamb loves me! I love him too. He's such a sweet boy. He comes over every day for hugs and scratches.

Since the day he was born I told myself he was destined for the freezer, because I don't want this to just be a hobby, they have to earn their keep and be useful. I don't really need a ram full time, so I was planning on using him for breeding and then have him processed. I'm finding I'm really dreading the day when he has to go. I've become very attached to him. There's really no sense in me keeping him though, because he's Purl's son so it's not very practical for me to use him to breed her, and what's the sense in keeping a ram that can only breed one of my ewes? I do love his personality though, and I can tell myself he's had a wonderful life. My neighbor thinks I should wether him and keep him as a pet. I'd love to, but I can't afford to keep a freeloader on my small place. I don't know if it's worth keeping him around just for his fleece.

So I guess for now we'll just enjoy each other's company.

Oh yeah, and it's breeding season around here! Darla was in heat yesterday. The sheep and goats have been separated, just in case they decide to look past species. :-)


  1. I love your new banner pic :) June looks so proud of herself standing on that block. Whew! What an udder! :) Theo is looking so handsome!
    I don't blame you for loving that ram so much. He looks so sweet... not to mention his beautiful color. I love the shadow picture :)
    You have such great animals, Kate :)

  2. I love fall... we've been having some beautiful days around here too. Pretty animal pics.

  3. What great pictures! I love the sweetness of your ram lamb. I wonder if any spinners would want a ram of his coloring? Selling him would help your productivity. It's rare to have such a loving and gentle ram. June is too funny! She is in wonderful condition Katie! She's so cute! Enjoy this wonderful fall weather! I am like you - fall is one of my favorite times of the year - like a gentle gift after a tough summer! Love you, Momma
