
Sunday, September 19, 2010

The New Guy

Scooter and I took a road trip this morning. Our destination: Connecticut. Our mission: to adopt a puppy! We left at 4:45 in the morning, got to our destination at 9:30, and were home by 3:30.

The puppy is an 11 week old Airedale (?) mix pup. He's a cute boy. As soon as I saw him on Petfinder, I fell in love with him.

Here he is meeting Elmer. Elmer was scared at first, then he did his crazy run-in-circles routine.

Scooter wasn't too thrilled we actually brought the puppy home. I think he wanted to make sure he got in a picture too.

The kids love him! We didn't tell them about him, it was a total surprise! I love Elmer's expression in this picture...

The girl loves her dogs...

I think he like the kids too! Excuse Devin's washcloth. He's got a fever.

Kylee wanted a turn walking him.

I think he saw a chicken.

Such a long day!

I feel really lucky to have been chosen as his new family!!! Thanks so much Roxy and Ty's Rescue!!

Oh, and we haven't chosen a name for him yet. Some of our ideas are Walter (probably our favorite so far), Sprocket, Ratchet, Henry, and I like Herschel for some reason.


  1. Katie - he's so cute!!! He's even cuter than his pictures!!! I know you will love him! I thought of another name to add to the pile: Gadget. I bet he will be an amazing dog for you all. I am really happy for you!! Love you, Momma

  2. He's so cute, I can hardly stand it! I think he should come live with Aunt Becky ;) I'm so happy it worked out that you guys could be his parents. I can't wait to see more pictures and hear all about him :)

  3. I like the name Walter... He's so cute, such a nice surprise for the kids too :)

  4. Is there a puppy bug going around? We came down with it too. Name him Walter, for sure. He's got the whiskers for it! He's a cutie!

  5. Katie, that dog is going to have a wonderful life with you guys and allof the animals. :-)
