
Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Great Visit!

My sister Becky, my niece, and nephew all came to visit the first week in August. They stayed a whole week! It was a great visit, and we packed a ton into that week!

The kids played in the sprinkler and had a great time! The broilers and turkeys liked hanging out and watching them.

Becky and I made some delicious fig newton-esque raisin cookies!

They were really great and I'd definitely make them again!

We went to the farmers market and got a few goodies.

Here's Becky and Evan with a loaf of Vermont sourdough bread.

The kids played non-stop!

On Saturday my brother, my Dad, and Lisa came up for a visit so we had a cookout!

What's a cookout without watermelon??

And we had crabs! Blue crabs are a Maryland specialty. There's nothing better in the summer than sitting and picking crabs!! Crabs, corn on the cob, and beer (beer is optional). That's summertime in Maryland! Dad and Lisa were nice enough to buy the crabs.

We had a really nice day for a cookout.

After we ate we went inside and had dessert! We had a combo birthday party for David (beginning of August birthday) and Kylee, who turned 5 at the end of July.

I like this picture because there are so many things going on at once.

During Becky's visit, we also processed the broilers I raised for her. More on that later!


  1. Awww... what a nice visit! I need to try to make those fig newton raisin cookies, thats cool and those crabs look so good! I ate my 1 crap in Maryland years go..... I was a young teenager (my aunt/uncle lived there on a Army base).

  2. I had the best time! We all loved our week on the farm :) I need to hurry and blog about it also.... though maybe I'll just post a link to yours! hehe

  3. I am so glad that you two had an entire week together. I know you miss living closer to each other! I am also glad the kids had such fun playing together. That's the best part of having cousins! Thanks for sharing the fun! Love you, Momma

  4. That was a fun Katie. I love your place. It reminds me of a combination of Chingville Rd and Aunt Dee's. It was nice seeing all three of you together too. Love you.
