
Friday, April 9, 2010

Gardens Everywhere

Yesterday our heat wave was due to be interrupted by a cold front coming through. I wanted to hurry up and get the tilling done before the rain so we could return the tiller (we were borrowing it).

David, Devin, and Joey (David's little brother) were all helping out. I was tilling while they spread the compost. Devin took a turn on the mower while David was busy with something else. He's getting good at driving it!

This is the new Vine Garden. This will be where the pumpkins, gourds, and possibly some flowers will be planted.

I also tilled up a front corner of our lawn. I'd like to plant it with some perennials like black-eyed susans, purple coneflower, shasta daisy, and perhaps some Knock-Out roses or maybe some other low-maintenance flowers. I'd also like to put in something decorative with our house number on it.

Here's the main veggie garden. I tilled it up last weekend and have been adding things to it little by little.

From left to right, the first row is swiss chard (that returned from last year!), onions, garlic and a short row of onions after the garlic, peas, and cabbage. I also planted a row of carrots and 4 short rows of potatoes.

The peas are doing really well.

The garlic is a foot tall already. I'm really hoping those little bulbs are forming under ground!

The onions are really growing like crazy.

I wanted to show you one of the flowerbeds near the side porch. I planted some gooseneck loosestrife last year-two or three plants. And now....look at all those baby plants coming up! It really spreads like crazy. I'll be transplanting some of it to the new front flowerbed.

More gooseneck loosestrife!

Here are the seeds started inside. I planted these pots of brussels sprouts, swiss chard, and broccoli raab on the 3rd!

This tray has zinnias (top of photo), hollyhocks (middle of photo), and shasta daisy (bottom of photo).

This one has broccoli and cauliflower (top), celery, peppers, basil (click on the photo to enlarge it and see the cute little basil plant), and a few more hollyhocks.

Now I really need to find the rest of my garden motivation and get some more stuff planted! The broccoli and cauliflower definitely needs to go in this weekend. I'm so glad the weather broke. I mean, it's nice to have warm weather after the winter we had, but several days of 90* weather was too much too soon! Now it's going to be sunny and 70* for the next week! That's perfect, if you ask me!


  1. Wow! Look at Devin on the mower! Great job!

    Your garden space looks great :) How nice to have so much space. Your little seedlings are doing so well. Great work!

  2. Woohooo... looking great, Happy Gardening.

  3. Katie it looks great! I LOVE the beginnings of a garden. It marks the beginning of spring! love you.

  4. Great job seed starting! Great job getting Devin and Joey's help! The hard part for me is making sure I get them in the ground on time! I am starting today by putting in my Jersey Knigtht asparagus crowns. Wish me luck! he he Love you, Momma

  5. oh I am so jealous!I miss gardening in the worst way but things have been so crazy we havent been able to fence off and start the garden we keep meaning too. Congrats on group 1 on PW. I wish I could sew. Ive done some basic stuff but I stink at it
