
Saturday, December 5, 2009

We've Got the White Stuff!

It snowed today!!! I love snow. We don't get a whole heck of a lot of it most years, but they're saying we're going to get more this year!

We don't have a snow shovel, so David used the next best thing to clear off the deck.

Crepe Myrtle covered with snow...

This is the huge holly tree in our front yard. How cool would it be to put Christmas lights on it?!

I tried to take a picture of Darla and Purl. This is what happens when you have a nosy (literally) goat.

There, that's better!

I'm not so sure the girls were loving the snow.

Isn't this a nice view from our mud room?

Unfortunately, it started raining tonight, so I doubt the snow will stick around.

Tomorrow I promise two blog posts! One about the dogs, and one about the craft show! Stay tuned!


  1. I love snow too. We are finally getting a couple of inches here in Maine and it's the topic of conversation.
    Happy Holidays

  2. SNOW!!!! I'm so jealous! They forcasted flurries for us but it ended up just being cold rain. It's beautiful!!! Great pictures! That big holly is begging for Christmas lights but I wouldn't want to be the one decorating it :)
    I can't wait to hear about the craft fair!

  3. Snow is beautiful. I hope it put everyone in the buying for Christmas mood and you've sold everything. Can't wait to hear about the fair.

  4. That Holly tree is BEAUTIFUL and it would be sooo cool to put lights on it!
    Beautiful Snow Pics. :)

  5. SNOW???? We didn't get one single flake......sigh! I sure hope you sold all your crafts. I wish I could have been there to help you. Love you muches, Momma
