
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Early birds!

We have babies! Yes, babies! Three of them! The first one to hatch was the yellow chick in the back. This chick popped out so fast, it wasn't the one that hada pipped earlier!
The red chick hatched shortly after.

Then there were two more pips.....

And a few minutes ago, out popped this little one!

The first two are in the brooder. Of course my heat lamp bulb broke as I was setting it up. Thanks Murphy. I have a regular bulb in the lamp, but it's not warm enough, so I set the heating pad under the chicks (with a towel underneath and a towel on top. There's a little stuffed animal in there with them, which they are both burrowing under!


The third chick will go in the brooder in just a little while. He/she needs to dry off a bit first. :-)


  1. Congratulations! Nice youngsters. Good chickenmama.

  2. Congratulations! Cute little chickens.

  3. What a thrill! Good work, farmer.

  4. Aww... how exciting!!! I know when our broody hen hatched her two chicks, I was so excited I could hardly stand it! Chicks are so cute and they grow so FAST!!
