
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Whew. I'm dead tired! What a long weekend! David and I went down to NC this weekend to get some furniture from my mom who was moving across town. It's about 7.5 hrs down there, so we wanted to leave Thursday after work so all of Friday wouldn't be wasted driving! We ended up stopping at 1:00 AM in South Hill, VA so we could catch some sleep at a hotel. We woke up around 6:30 Friday morning and hit the road again!

We went straight to a consignment sale near my sister's house. The kids desperately need winter clothes, and consignment sales are a great way to shop for kids! Who wants to pay hundreds of dollars for clothes they'll grow out of so quickly?! We spent $107 and got clothes for both kids for the winter. We got a size bigger for them, because it'll be easy to hem pants and they can wear them next year (hopefully!).

I got to go with Becky to pick Charlotte (my neice) up from preschool. Charlotte was excited to see me, and it was so cute! I got to spend time with Charlotte and Evan (my nephew) later that day.

This was the twirl-the-kids-till-we're-both-dizzy-and-drop-them-on-the-couch game! Woo hoo!

I took a much needed break on the couch and read them some stories.

Friday night, Becky and I made a cake. She posted the recipe before on her blog, so I won't get into that here. We used to make cakes when we were younger. Mom would make us a batch of icing and we'd decorate the heck out of a cake! I'm talking every color under the sun, piled up on top of the cake. Good times!

Now that we're grown up, we act like the responsible, mature women we are.


Ok, back to work.

I had a great visit, and I already miss them! I'm counting down to their visit for Thanksgiving!
Oh, and Mom and Mark got all their belongings safely in the new house. And we're the proud new owners of a wicker loveseat, a bigger TV (it is nice to be upgraded from our 19" one), and my favorite thing....a gorgeous buffet!! I'll definitely take pictures once it's all set up and looking purty.
Ooh, and we brought something back from NC with us. It is brown and black and makes "maa" sounds. That'll be another post!

1 comment:

  1. I miss you guys already. :( I am so glad we got to spend all that time together... even if a lot of it involved packing tape and carrying boxes :)
