
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cheap Entertainment

I decided not to do the craft show yesterday. Friday night I was stressing because I hadn't had time to get everything done, and I still had lots to do to get everything ready, so I decided not to go. I did bring the kids to the show yesterday though. After going there, I'm very glad I didn't decide to sell there. I also didn't realize until I got there that it went from 9am-5pm. That's way too long to sit in an unairconditioned building trying to sell stuff. Plus, most of the crafts there were a little to "crafty", know what I mean? Like my sister and I would say, they were "creative." :-) I think my stuff would have kinda stood out because not many people know what felting is. I try to explain it, but I still mostly get a blank stare. Haha. I'll just finish up the stuff I started making and list it on Etsy.

Why is it so hard to get 2 kids to pose for a picture? This picture was the best out of about 6 or 7 taken. First the sun was in their eyes, then they weren't looking, then Kylee had her hand over her eyes. Man oh man. I'm glad I'm not a childrens' photographer.

I did manage to snap a picture of Kylee's hair. I used the flower clips from the wedding. Cute!

Remember Slip N Slides? We picked one up at Wal-Mart for about $10. It was so hot yesterday so we set it up for the kids. Devin got the hang of it right away!

Kylee was a little more timid. She'd run up to it and then stop and lay down on it and scoot to the end.

It was so hot I almost tried it myself. The label on the box said not for people over 12 yrs, and you know how much I like to follow rules, so I didn't. ;-)


  1. Do you remember how sore your ribcage would get after a while on the Slip and Slide?? Pretty hair for Kylee. BUT!! The important question is how are the Pandelirium Chicks doing??? Inquiring minds want to know......

  2. I remember being sore Mom! Ouch! The chicks are doing pretty good. I lost two, so the others are getting antibiotics for a few days. I was trying to avoid medicating them, but I don't want to lose any more!
