
Saturday, May 16, 2009

One week left!!!

This time next Saturday I'll be a Mrs.!!!! Seems crazy! My dad came for a visit today and helped me put together the arbor for the wedding. I think we made a pretty good team, if I do say so myself. We got that baby put together and taken over to the wedding site. Check one thing off the list! What do you think of it?

I'm not sure if I want to decorate it or leave it plain. I love how rustic it looks, and I'd hate to ruin it with cheesy fake flowers. Maybe tulle? Or just plain? Any thoughts?

Here is a little building (I think the owner called it the smokehouse) at the ceremony site. I adore it. I'll definitely have to get pictures with it for the wedding. With it? Like it's a person or something.

Check out the irises around it!! And guess what else is planted there?!!

This little beauty and dozens more of her friends! And the best part? The owner said I could cut them to use in the wedding!!! Yipeeee!!!


  1. Katie!!! I love the arbor!!! It's beautiful! I think flowers would make it look pretty only if they're real flowers but otherwise, plain would look great too. That's awesome that they will let you use the peonies (I think that's what they are) in the wedding. I can't wait! You're going to have a beautiful wedding :)

  2. Great job on the arbor.........thinking of tulle draped and flowing in the wind.......hmmm maybe ivy but no fake flowers. I know you're excited! Love you, Momma Ps- I am hoping I'll have some peonies left to bring you also! I think you have to dip the stems in boiling water...I'll double check.
